
Stir-fry Tomatoes and Eggs





蕃茄 6 个 (约1 斤)
鸡蛋 6 – 8只
葱 1 棵切短段

Ingredients : (4 person portion)

Tomato 6 pieces (around 600 g)
Egg 6 pieces
Scallion 1 stalk cut into sections



碎冰糖 1 - 2 汤匙
盐 2 茶匙
白醋 1 - 2 汤匙
茄酱 2 汤匙


Crushed rock sugar 1-2 tbsp
Salt 2 tsp
White vinegar 1-2 tbsp
Ketchup 2 tbsp



  1. 把蛋黄和蛋白分开,蛋白打至起泡;蛋黄加入1茶匙盐拌匀,备用。
  2. 把蕃茄泡热水去皮後,一半切角,馀下切碎。葱洗净切短段,备用。
  3. 先把拌匀的蛋黄加入起泡的蛋白,略微拌匀成蛋酱。大火烧红镬至起烟,猛镬嫩油炒法。即下油下蛋酱,熄火,用打蛋器快搅至熟,上碟备用。
  4. 原镬再烧红,加小匙油,把碎蕃茄下镬,中火煮成汁,加入蕃茄角、葱段及各种调味料略煮,加入少量生粉水收成汁酱,上碟铺在炒好蛋上,轻轻拌匀成蛋丝,即可食用。

Method :

  1. Separate egg yolk and egg white, beat egg white till fluffy.  Add 1 tsp salt into the beaten egg yolk, set aside for use.
  2. Soak tomatoes in hot water, then remove peel.  Cut half of the tomatoes into triangular shape and chop the rest to smaller cubes. Place both in separate dishes for use.  Wash the scallion and cut into section, set aside for use.
  3. Add the beaten egg yolk into the fluffy egg white and mix together gently.  Heat up dry wok over big flame till wok very hot and smoke arises.  Add little oil and immediately pour in the egg mixture.  Turn off flame, cook the mixture till done using an egg beater.  Remove egg from wok onto plate.
  4. Using same wok, add 1 tbsp oil.  Add the chopped tomatoes and fry over medium flame till tomatoes turn to sauce.  Then add the triangular cut tomatoes, scallions and marinade to cook slightly.  Separately add little water into cornflour and pour the mixture into wok to quickly thicken and fry till tomatoes become sauce.  Pour this sauce on top of the cooked egg in the plate, gently mix it thoroughly into the egg.  Ready to serve






能量:199.5 卡路里
蛋白质:12.6 克
碳水化合物:15 克
脂肪:9.5 克
膳食纤维:1.5 克

Nutrition analysis :

Energy:199.5 kcal
Protein:12.6 g
Carbohydrates :15 g
Fat:9.5 g
Dietary fibre:1.5 g




Cooking tips

Nutritious milk or protein powder can be added to the egg mixture.



  1. 鸡蛋的营养价值高,除了有丰富的蛋白质外,亦有多种维他命、矿物质和微量元素。蕃茄含抗氧化剂茄红素,能有助对身体对抗发炎反应。
  2. 蕃茄炒蛋的味道酸酸甜甜,适合在接受癌症治疗期间胃口不佳的患者。


  1. 蕃茄:味甘、酸,性微寒。入肝、脾、胃经。具有生津止渴的功效。
  2. 鸡蛋:蛋白味甘,性凉;蛋黄味甘,性平。入心、肾经。具有滋阴润燥、养心安神的功效。
  3. 葱:味辛,性温。入肺、胃经。具有发汗解表、散寒通阳的功效。体虚汗多者不宜多服。